Thursday, December 21, 2006


Last night Shelby declared it "CRAFT NIGHT"!! With a little christmas music in the background, we cleared off the kitchen table and filled it with tins of string, glue, pom-poms, pretty wrap, magnets and all things crafty. We both did our own pom-pom garlands and she made magnets to pass out to her friends at school. They came out super cute as did our garlands! And to add to that super crafty night, our neighbor came by with a gift of goodies. Pralines, banana bread, rocky road fudge, and M & M/chocolate chip cookies! Can it get any better than that??

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I heart...

my wrapping paper this year! It reminds me of candy.

Monday, December 18, 2006

More Fog

What is this? Day 5?!?! Here's some photos from my drive into work this morning.

Scary to know that I was driving as I was taking these pics huh?

Not a very busy weekend. Soccer on Satrurday with a little "death wish" christmas shopping at the mall in Lafayette after. Sunday was quietly spent at home watching movies (Nacho Libre - that was hilarious!), wrapping gifts, and just enjoying being home.

We're going to make these tonight!

Friday, December 15, 2006


It has been like this for 3 days. Fog all day and all night. This is a view from my office looking out to the highway 90 that I have to travel. Remember what it looked like on "The Others" everytime Nicole Kidman and her kids would wonder outside of the house? Yea, its kinda like that around here. I'm ready for some SUN to brighten things up a bit and lift this fog. Or, if its going to be this gloomy at least be cold - and cold enough to snow. Its moist, damp, humid, muggy, its like wet air, no christmas weather. SSssIIiiGGggHHhh!!!....well since we don't get the white stuff for winter, at least there's this site to go to and make some while I'm inside avoiding all the murky-ness. Every flake you make sends a donation to the Salvation Army so its a good thing!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Night before last I decided to make this receipe as little gifts for my neighbors. It was an excellent idea! The receipe was quick, easy and I had fun doing it. Everything about it was good! The smell, the taste...I'll be making more of these soon! You can see more of the process on my flickr.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Notice the new icon on the right hand side? I have a Flickr account! So, I'll be uploading new pics there for all to view! I'm telling ya, I'm getting all into this now!

Monday, December 11, 2006


Madyson Claire


6lbs 7oz 19in

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Christmas Spirit

I wasn't too much in the christmas spirit this year. Maybe it's because Shelby is getting older and so are the other nieces and nephews we have in the family. All the fun Christmas traditions we had, they are growing out of. Or maybe cause I feel like its a race and I'm making myself rush to the finish line. The finish line being Christmas day. I put up the Christmas tree but not with all the bangs and whistles I would normally. It took me 4 days and I ended up saving away alot of the decorations I would have normally displayed.

Well, last night I heard "O' Tannenbaum" by Vince Guaraldi and for some reason it just put me in the ole Christmas Spirit! I don't know if it was because is sparked a childhood christmas-y feeling of when I would await all year to watch Charlie Brown Christmas and all the magic that the season held or if it has some kind of Grinch-ish heart en-larger, but I needed that CD!

So, for lunch today I went out to get this:

Then I ran into a holiday display which led me to:

which then led to:

ultimately ending with:

Can you just SMELL the Christmas Spirit? Yeah, I know, you wish you were at my house this weekend.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Little Miss M

I think that's what I'll call Derricks little girl when she is born, Little Miss M. Here is the blanket I knitted for her:
In the works

All completed

And bundled and ready to go to keep Little Miss M warm for the winter

I used this awesomly soft yarn by Baby Bee called Angle Fleece. The color is called Teddybear, it was a beige varegated with pink and blue. It was all knit stich on #10 circular needles, 100 lines across, 200 down. It made a nice 36x36 blanket. It's a simple pattern but because of the size it took me some time to complete but, I wanted a pratical size blanket. I am happy with it. I'd do another one. I'd like to do one for myself!

Little Miss M's arrival status: if she hasn't made an appearance by Friday, they are going in after her!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Um...yea, remember me?

Ok, so I haven't posted in a while - alright, a few MONTHS!! I've just been really busy and its been hard to try and find the time to commit to this. This whole blog is basically journaling and even when I was younger I couldn't keep up with one. There is alot I still I want to accomplish with this blog and I'm not giving that up. I have the most time here at work and my previous computer really wasn't up to par to posting pics, it froze up everytime I tried to download one. I have a new computer so maybe now it won't feel like such a chore. Maybe this new computer will make it fun! My computer at home could definately keep up but when I am at home, I get caught up with other things to do. So, to catch up with the last blog about quilting those 6in blue jean squares I cut in the summer (no I haven't put those together yet but hopefully posting them will be my motivation to put them together), I give you these photos of how they came out...

Here are 8 pairs of blue jeans:

Here are the 124 6in squares I pain stakingly rotary cutted on my living room floor:

Doesn't seem like a big deal, but boy did it take some time to do! I also bought some really pretty flannel to back it. Those 124 are already cut. I guess I could have taken a picture of that to put up but, hey, there's tomorrows post!