It has been like this for 3 days. Fog all day and all night. This is a view from my office looking out to the highway 90 that I have to travel. Remember what it looked like on "The Others" everytime Nicole Kidman and her kids would wonder outside of the house? Yea, its kinda like that around here. I'm ready for some SUN to brighten things up a bit and lift this fog. Or, if its going to be this gloomy at least be cold - and cold enough to snow. Its moist, damp, humid, muggy, its like wet air, no christmas weather. SSssIIiiGGggHHhh!!!....well since we don't get the white stuff for winter, at least there's this site to go to and make some while I'm inside avoiding all the murky-ness. Every flake you make sends a donation to the Salvation Army so its a good thing!

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