Ok, so I haven't posted in a while - alright, a few MONTHS!! I've just been really busy and its been hard to try and find the time to commit to this. This whole blog is basically journaling and even when I was younger I couldn't keep up with one. There is alot I still I want to accomplish with this blog and I'm not giving that up. I have the most time here at work and my previous computer really wasn't up to par to posting pics, it froze up everytime I tried to download one. I have a new computer so maybe now it won't feel like such a chore. Maybe this new computer will make it fun! My computer at home could definately keep up but when I am at home, I get caught up with other things to do. So, to catch up with the last blog about quilting those 6in blue jean squares I cut in the summer (no I haven't put those together yet but hopefully posting them will be my motivation to put them together), I give you these photos of how they came out...
Here are 8 pairs of blue jeans:

Here are the 124 6in squares I pain stakingly rotary cutted on my living room floor:

Doesn't seem like a big deal, but boy did it take some time to do! I also bought some really pretty flannel to back it. Those 124 are already cut. I guess I could have taken a picture of that to put up but, hey, there's tomorrows post!