Monday, May 29, 2006

Happy Memorial Day

Before February of 2004, Memorial Day held less significance then the sale that was going on at the Mall. Although I've always felt an appreciation for every service man and woman, being I have uncles that have served in wars before I was born, it just didn't come to a realization till that day in February when Chad got the call to get his affairs in order, he's going to Iraq. He trained for 6 months from Fort Hood, TX to Fort Irwin, CA. He served in Baghdad from Sept 04 - Oct 05. He had leaves here and there in that 18-month period and seeing him was wonderful but it hurt more every time he left. Support was so important for us at the time and we never lacked in that department. From friends to family to people that we didnt even know, everyone reached out their hand to help in whatever way they could. It was a wonderful feeling to know that whatever you were going through at the time, there was always someone thinking of you. It was such an overwhelming sense of pride to know that what we were giving up as a family was not in vain. And I say that because when a soldier leaves to serve his country abroad, his family serves on the home front. We give him up because we, too, feel that feeling that a soldier has to fight for what they believe in. I'll never forget the day that he was leaving to go back from his 2-week leave. He, Shelby and I were sitting in the airport waiting for him to board and with all of our sad faces just staring blankly into space a young guy walked up to us. He looked about our age, he reached out his hand to shake Chad's and said "Hey, man, I just want to say thank you for everything you are doing out there" and just walked off. If tears weren't falling then, let me tell you, they were when that guy walked away. We never knew his name, he wasn't even on the same flight as Chad, and I doubt we will ever see him again, but, he instilled such a sense of pride in us and we knew what we were sacrificing as a family was totally worth it. Just that one simple gesture, made everything seem right, even if it wasnt what we wanted happening in our lives at the moment. And Shelby, can you imagine what it did for her? To see such respect to be given to her father by someone who we didnt even know? Priceless. Something she will remember always. So, on this Memorial Day, by all means partake of the sales, I know I will! But just remember all the service men and women who served in this war and all the wars before for us and for what we have today. Say a prayer for the fallen. If you have the chance, dont pass it up to shake their hand and thank them, and thank their family too.
*For a soldier fights not because he fears what is in front of him but because he loves what is behind him.*

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